Three Coaching Options
Coaching is an extremely critical component in sustaining peak performance and continuous performance improvement. Managers need the skills, mindset, and behaviors of a great coach. Steve Dudley Associates offers three coaching options:

1. Manager's Workshop: The Art of Coaching
This is a one-day workshop which helps managers understand the importance of coaching, see themselves as coaches, and develop strong coaching skills and behaviors.

2. One-on-One Manager Coaching
One-on-one coaching is provided to managers in association with any of the consulting services provided by Steve Dudley Associates. Managers are assisted in immediately applying the knowledge, understanding, skills, behaviors, and mindset learned in workshops to their own jobs and performance challenges.

Coaching is a structured program that establishes the areas of coaching focus, specific objectives, targeted skills and behaviors, expected performance results, and the duration of the coaching assistance. Coaches use a combination of mentoring and instructional coaching to assist the manager in achieving the objectives of the coaching program. Management growth and improved effectiveness are evaluated at the completion of the program.

3. Executive Coaching
Executives are assisted in identifying the balance among the personal and business dimensions of their lives in order to optimize success and fulfillment in all areas. The ideal role of the executive is identified and forged into a working document. Roles of the direct reports to the executive are adjusted to support the ideal role envisioned by the executive.

Using Feed Forward and Value Based Relationships techniques, executives are supported in making the changes to their behaviors and mental models needed to achieve and sustain their desired roles.

Facilitation is provided to address issues of interaction between the executive and his or her direct reports.

Each Executive Coaching assignment is tailored to meet the needs of the individual executive.  Executives should contact us directly to explore how we can help them achieve a fulfilling balance in all areas of their lives.